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February 9, 2025 12:53 am

Field Bred English Springer Spaniel Breeders

English Cocker & English Springer Spaniel Breeders with Spaniels Puppies & Started Dogs For Sale.

We are dedicated to the improvement of our hunting and Field Trial Spaniels. The dogs and puppies you see offered here are from top Spaniel field trial bloodlines. We actively participate in field trials with fielde bred English Springer Spaniels that show tons of natural hunting ability and are easily trained.

We specialize in connecting you with folks dedicated to the improvement of our hunting spaniels. Most are avid field trialers or those who breed for field trialers. So you can be assured of top level breeding for Springer and English Cocker spaniels that hunt and do it well.

White Water Creek Kennel presents theseĀ English Springer Spaniel Breeders:

PrairieRose Gundogs
Flush ’em High Kennel
Blue Tower Kennels

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